Custom impact resistant concrete walls are a type of wall that is designed to withstand physical impact, such as that caused by rioting and looting. They are often used in areas where there is a high risk of these types of incidents, such as shopping malls, commercial buildings, and government facilities.
There are two main types of custom impact resistant concrete walls used to protect buildings from rioting and looting:
- Security walls: Security walls are designed to provide a high level of security and protection from physical impact. They are often used in areas where there is a high risk of violence, such as prisons and military bases.
- Riot walls: Riot walls are designed to protect buildings from vandalism and looting. They are often used in areas where there is a high risk of civil unrest, such as shopping malls and commercial buildings.
Here are some of the benefits of custom impact resistant concrete walls:
- They provide a high level of protection from physical impact.
- They can help to deter vandalism and crime.
- They can improve the safety of a building or area.
- They can be customized to meet the specific needs of the building or area.
- They are durable and will last a lifetime.