The benefits of a project built with tiltup construction continue long after it is completed:
Durability – Tilt-up buildings are extremely durable. Many structures created in the 1940s are still in operation today, with little apparent wear. A testament to the strength of tilt-up construction, general contractors in earthquakeprone California now use this method for 90% of their one-story industrial building projects.
Fire Safety – The concrete used in tilt-up panels meets the fire-resistance standards of even the most demanding building codes. For example, a 165mm concrete wall offers a fire resistance rating of four hours or more. Tilt-up panels are also frequently used in the building’s interior as fire walls. Tiltwall buildings offer real protection and safety for their tenants’ employees, property and ongoing operations.
Ease of Maintenance – Tiltwall buildings require little in the way of ongoing maintenance, outside of periodic cleaning and repainting as desired. Concrete is impervious to insect or rodent infestation, so this problem becomes a relative non-issue as well.
Repairs and Expandability – In the event a wall is damaged by, say, a forklift or truck, damagesare typically more localized on a panel than in other types of structures, like steel buildings. Also, the modular design of the panels allows for easier repairs and expansion of the building.
Security – Facilities that require positive security and management of the interior environment – prisons, classified manufacturing facilities, businesses with clean rooms – will appreciate the strength and control afforded by concrete and tilt-up buildings, when compared with, say, steel framed and sheeted buildings.
Reduced Insurance Premiums – Because tiltwall buildings have superior fire resistance ratings and have been proven to withstand severe weather and earthquakes, these buildings typically enjoy better insurance rates than steel buildings or other types of structures.
Reduced Operating Costs – Concrete provides excellent insulation, reducing the ongoing heating and cooling costs for the tenant. This insulation extends to sound as well as temperature. Workers in a tiltwall office building located in a noisy area will be less affected by the environment. By the same token, a manufacturing business that generates noise will have less effect on its neighbours and will find it easier to comply with local noise ordinances.
Tilt-up construction provides numerous advantages over steel buildings or traditional construction for warehouses, call centres, distribution centres, retail stores, office buildings, storage facilities and other types of industrial and commercial projects.
But what are the advantages?
Savings in Construction Costs – Tilt-up provides numerous construction cost savings. This method of construction uses locally available materials rather than ones that must be manufactured and shipped in. This means that raw material costs are lower, available when needed and less prone to price fluctuations. Tiltup work crews are typically smaller than the crews used in traditional construction and are normally comprised of local labour. That translates to reduced labour costs. Because of the economies of scale, the larger the footprint for the building, the more cost effective the project.
Fast Construction Schedule – Tilt-up offers several opportunities to “compress” the schedule and deliver the building very quickly. Erecting the walls with tilt-up panels is faster than building walls using traditional construction techniques. The trades can begin work earlier in the process on a tilt-up project, which allows greater overlapping of project phases. Because the building is made of ready-mix concrete from local sources, the project is less likely to be affected by transportation delays as well. All these factors provide for a faster, more predictable schedule with fewer opportunities for delays and associated cost overruns.
Safety – Tilt-up is a proven, safe method f construction. The vast majority of the project takes place on the ground rather than on scaffolding or at height, reducing many of the risks normally faced by workers.
Aesthetics – Tiltwall buildings are not prefabricated. Each one is custom-designed for the client’s needs and preferences. A full range of building finishes, wall textures and adornments, colors, even curved walls, are available with this method. Tilt-up provides architects and designers with virtually unlimited flexibility in crafting a building that is functional, durable and aesthetically pleasing.

With a better understanding of these benefits, it’s easy to see why many design-build contractors, construction managers and savvy developers and building owners are opting for tilt-up over steel buildings or traditional construction. Delivering value, speed and responsiveness, quality, durability, reduced construction costs, and ongoing cost savings in operating expenses, tiltwall construction is the best choice for a wide range of commercial construction projects.